Water Your Garden - A Mental Health Wish
Self care is such an underrated practice, especially for highly motivated and caring people. We often neglect our own needs to serve a greater purpose. Unfortunately, when we neglect our needs, we can’t show up as our best selves. I hope this blog - and this artwork - will be a healthy and friendly reminder to take care of yourself :)
Sister Talk No Filter
Learn about Sister Talk No Filter, the social media blog that will bring you inspiration, laughter, sisterhood, and great advice!
Seeking Serendib: Part II
“I want to create a platform where I can share other artists' stories of finding their Serendib, what motivates and inspires them, and why they do what they do. When I work with someone, I have found that I love hearing about their story, their purpose, and their “why””
Seeking Serendib Pt. I
I have always loved art. It has been my escape, my therapy, and my source for exploration and healing. I have learned to utilize my unique gifts and what makes me different to enhance my work. This is how I got started….